What is the Frequency Analysis Tool?
Frequency analysis is a tool used to test the frequency that a number has appeared in past drawings. The Lottery Lab provides an additional tool where you can enter your desired numbers and calculate their frequency of appearance in past drawings. This technique is not limited to lotteries only but is also used in food manufacturing and cryptanalysis as well. Use the tool to see the likelihood of your numbers!
What is the Transition Matrix?
The Transition Matrix is a tool used to detect patterns in the sequence of numbers drawn from a lottery machine. In theory, the probability of any number appearing in the next drawing is equal, but in reality, this is not always the case. Therefore, with the Transition Matrix, you can analyze the patterns and test this for yourself.
What is the Tightness Test?
A Tightness Test is a tool that offers an assessment of how much a random process has deviated from its expected behavior. To know the intensity of unexpected behavior in random processes, engineers and statisticians make use of this test. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do the math because our tool will do all the calculations for you.
What is a lottery wheel?
A lottery wheel helps you identify multiple bets either in bulk or as part of a lottery pool. The lottery wheel helps you identify all the possible combinations from a subset of numbers.