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Australia's Biggest Powerball Jackpot Lottery Winner Is Still Working

3 years ago

After winning a record-breaking $107 million (US$79.6 million) jackpot in January 2019, the Australian nurse proclaimed that she would be returning to work the next day, and guess what she has kept her promise since then.

The historic winner who won the country's largest came forward to offer advice to all the future lottery winners, as well as to explain how winning a lottery has completely changed her life and how she is planning to spend her windfall on.

The moment she hit multi-millionaire status overnight, she promised to return to work the very next day. The anonymous winner told The Lott, that "I don't know why people were so shocked. "I'm still working, and my husband is also working. We both love our jobs." She explained for the future lottery winners of major proportions to maintain normalcy, which is the key factor in dealing with such a huge win. She encouraged people to seek financial help from professionals as soon as possible.

As per her, life has not changed much, except now she upgrades from cheap chardonnay and regularly buys fresh flowers for her house. Also, she is quite a bookworm and admits that it's a great feeling to be able to go into a bookshop and buy whichever book she wants. According to her, "It's things like that that I don't take for granted".

Of course, the winner and her husband have taken some sensible decisions like planning a vacation and buying a family home. Unlike other lottery winners, who are unable to handle sudden windfall, this Australian nurse completely knew how to take care of such huge money and not walk towards ruins.

So to all those lottery winners who have just cracked a win, and are unable to comprehend the situation and scared of falling into the wrong hands, here are some tips to how you should spend your lottery winnings for a better future.


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