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Declining Lottery Sales Prompt Jackpot Changes!

4 years ago

The spread of Coronavirus that has been affecting the whole world has not even spared the lottery industry. While the global economy is slashing, the multi-million lottery games of the USA - Powerball and Mega Millions had earlier this week decided on lowering down their Jackpot amounts from $40 million to $20 million and the rollover amounts from $10 million to $2 million for Powerball, due to the decrease in the purchase of lottery tickets. This relative decrease in the sale of tickets and jackpot is influenced by the stay-at-home orders issued by the government for the safety of the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As per the latest statements issued by these lotteries, there will be no minimum amount of advertised Jackpot and rollover amounts for the further draws and will be purely based on the sale of tickets and interest of people. The games have not made any changes in the format but have done these alterations to support their jackpot amount which is determined by the sale of game tickets and interest rate which has lowered down due to the stay at home orders by the government.

The government is doing their bit, the lotteries are doing theirs by issuing claims through mail. You do yours by staying at home!

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