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Jury Declares Ohio Man Not Guilty Of Killing The Lottery Winner!

3 years ago

The Jury of Cleveland, Ohio, made its decision of absolving a former suspect of the murder of a lottery winner who had just won $50,000, from a scratch-off Ohio Lottery ticket, public in yesterday's hearing.

The prime suspect, Michael Ward Jr., 19, was found not guilty of the murder of his cousin brother Isaac Carson Jr., a father of two, a barber who worked at professional Clutters in Euclid, and an aspiring R&B who keenly participated in local American Idol auditions. Initially, Ward was indicted on multiple charges including aggravated murder, murder, robbery, assault, and kidnapping by the Cuyahoga County jury in December 2019. But following the evidence presented or lack on the prosecution's part, he was absolved on all accounts.

The accused's mother was feeling blessed and said that it has been two long years and he always knew that her son was innocent.

The murder of the Ohio Lottery winner took place in the parking lot of Lady Luck Pub & Eatery on Nottingham Road in Cleveland in June 2018. According to the statement given by Ward, he and two others met Carson there just to purchase marijuana. Thankfully the parking lot was under surveillance and had captured every moment of the brutal murder. On the evening of the winner's death, Ward was seen getting out of his car and then getting in the front seat of Carson's minivan. Following their meeting, a second person from Ward's car joined them in the back seat of the van. And things went ugly from there.

Ward informed the jury, that this other person just got in and pointed the gun, and told Isaac, "you know what time it is" and then threw some zip ties over the seat. Ward quickly responded by throwing them at the back and asked what was he doing! The van was rocking back and forth while Ward and Carson were struggling to get off the gunpoint and snatch the gun from that person. And in this struggle, Carson got shot in the back.

The person immediately got off the car and immediately ran back to his car. Realising Carson had been shot, Ward too got off the car and drove off with the other two suspects, leaving him behind. Despite there being other people with Ward only he was convicted with the charge of murder.

However, Ward defended by explaining that he had done nothing and he was just a person in the place at the wrong time who had no idea about the cripppling violence that was to come. On the account of shreds of evidence presented by prosecutors which were not enough to prove that Ward murdered or even robbed Carson was acquitted after a full day of liberation.

Ward’s attorney Jeffrey Saffold stated that we hope that the police will continue to investigate and find out who is actually responsible for the murder of Isaac Carson.


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