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Kentucky Lottery Sales Recovers The Pandemic!

4 years ago

The Kentucky Lottery Corporation's board of directors announced heavy sales of lottery tickets for the month of May which has helped the lottery to get back on track to meet the target sales amount for the year. The Chief Operating Officer Maggie Garrison reported some lottery stats according to which the May sales were $132.1 Million, which is $33.7 Million or 31.9% more than the budgeted amount. The sales target was achieved due to an increase in the Scratch-off sales ticket which jumped more than the expected sales.

The total amount of Scratch-off sales for the month were $93 million. The daily Pick 3 and Pick 4 draw games also saw a significant increase in their sales turning out to be much more than expected.

Due to the pandemic conditions, the sales for the month of April were behind by $57 million. The board has approved a two-month operating budget for July and August, along with altered rules and regulations for scratch-off tickets and amended and new rules for 19 Instant Play Games.

We are pretty sure, the lottery is up to the introduction of some exciting game and prize structures! So what are you waiting for! brush up your lottery playing techniques through effective lottery tools by The Lottery Lab and get assisted in your next win.


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