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Eddie Tipton Claims To Be Pressurized To Plead Guilty In Lottery Rigging Scandal

2 years ago

Lottery scam mastermind, Eddie Tipton is currently trying to reverse his 25-year prison sentence upon claiming that he was pressured in the court to plead guilty four years ago.

Eddie Tipton along with his other accomplices was sentenced to a maximum of 25 years imprisonment for rigging multiple computerized lottery drawings in several states in 2017, to collect lottery jackpots.

A former lottery security chief also agreed to pay around $2.2 million in restitution for those crimes to the states in the plea deal, in which he rigged the drawings, including Colorado, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Kansas.

Tipton told the court at that time that he certainly regrets his actions and how many people he has hurt. Prior to the official sentence, Tipton's lawyers even said that he was ready to accept whatever punishment comes his way.

But now the latest development in the case says that he was pressured to admit to the crimes he did not even commit.

In January 2021, Tipton filed a lawsuit from prison in Clarinda, Iowa, stating that attempts to halt all restitution he was ordered to pay until a new trial was held. He says, that at that trial he will have the opportunity to present documents and evidence that could persuade the court to reverse his sentence. In his paperwork, he argues that the sentence is quite a cruel and unusual punishment because it has been applied to an actually innocent person. On November 4, Assistant Attorney General William Hill requested that Tipton's lawsuit should be dismissed saying that filing the lawsuit is barred by the statute of limitations and should be seen as frivolous. Although a hearing is set to take place to determine whether a new trial date will be rescheduled.

To get an insight into what exactly is the Eddie Tipton drama all about, give a quick read to The Biggest Inside Lottery Fraud: Eddie Tipton!


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