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Single Father Wins EuroMillions Lottery In The First Attempt!

4 years ago

The lucky electrician from the United Kingdom entered the National Lottery EuroMillions for the very first time and had his luck shine for a £1 million (US$1.25 million) prize.

While shopping, Simon Waddup, 31, repeatedly heard a voice in his head telling him to buy a lottery ticket. Returning from the store, the lucky electrician looked at his National Lottery account and noticed that he was still left with £5 left in his wallet.

Waddup decided to purchase two tickets for the same night’s draw and forgot about it until the next morning. When he checked his phone for a delivery, Waddup was shocked to see a notification alerting him for a £1 million prize win. In disbelief he called the National Lottery hotline and just couldn’t believe his ears after hearing the confirmation of his win. The first person Waddup broke the news was his ten-year old daughter. The winner treated himself with a new coffee machine and his children with some new clothes and sneakers which they picked themselves.

For his future plans, Waddup plans to take his children on a vacation to Spain once the pandemic settles and the lockdown is over. The vacation was on the list for the family as his daughter once asked for it.

As a winner, Waddup sees this huge prize money as a boost to his career as a property developer, which he dreamt of since childhood. Waddup wishes to build his portfolio, for fuelling up his career ambitions. The prize money bestowed as a relief on him amidst ill health conditions of a rare blood disorder that limits his ability to work hard.

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